Our 90 Day Plan
Every school in New Mexico drafts an annual plan for state reporting and accountability. You can visit New Mexico Public Education Department for more information about NM Dash. The School Instructional Council (SIC) is made of teacher leaders, administrators and parents. SIC determines what our school goals are for the year which can also be adjusted as needed to ensure continuous improvement.
Academic Goals
Mission Avenue has 2 academic goals:
Goal 1: Core Instruction -English Language Arts
Every teacher will participate in professional development from the state and district for language arts.
We will reach a 10% increase in reading proficiency from beginning of year data to mid year, in each grade level based on formative data on iStation assessments (administered monthly). We will show an overall increase in our summative assessments (NM-MSSA) by reaching a 10% increase per grade level.
Goal 2
Every teacher will complete iReady math curriculum training and review beginning of the year data review to set goals for the middle of the year.
We will see 10% growth in each grade level between beginning of the year data and middle of the year data. Our summative assessment (NM-MSSA) will show a 10% increase in proficiency. We value your input and can answer your questions! Contact Sarah Matosian with any 90 Day Plan concerns.